Saturday, January 19, 2008

I carved the fruit like it was your hand
Drove around for awhile and the road was
the only companion worthy of my sad sap stupid ark of dreams
Noah was a drunk
And so I conform to the High Man's choice of personna
Well I've got a couple bucks so give me what you can
Seven straws on the table
Imprints on the napkin
Dead song in the background
I've got a bent will and its tied to the back of one
of those cross country rigs that weave too close to the middle line
Fourteen empty coke cans and a cabinet of wants
I just know im going to slice myself in half
and I'll fix it with invisible thread
Bright light bulb and I've got the kind of migraine that
makes you see little people in peripheral
And I can hear the tears through the bedroom door
Obtuse pillow. Wet with regret and the fear of giving something away that
can never be found
We could cut the cord.
I just got paid and I swear I could go forget your name
We should let the world sqaunder
and our bodies will return to the bacterial molecules they were before God
decided to give us ideas
This is a pilgrimage
So cry all you want

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